Friday, December 16, 2011

January 23-27 - PROJECT 2

Edit Poem: Autobiography
  1. Insert Header
  2. Choose 1 poem from below and type it into word as you  make words look like they sound
  3. HAS TO FIT ON 1 PAGE!!!
  4. SAVE and SAVE OFTEN!!! 


***Picture giving you trouble? = Left Click, Wrap Text, Behind Text

I’ve never roped a Brahma bull
I’ve never fought a duel,
I’ve never crossed the desert
On a lop-eared, swayback mule,
I’ve never climbed an idol’s nose
To steal a cursed jewel.

I’ve never gone down with my ship
Into the bubblin’ brine,
I’ve never saved a lion’s life
And then had him save mine,
Or screamed Ahoooo while swingin’ through
The jungle on a vine.

I’ve never dealt draw poker
In a rowdy lumber camp,
Or got up at the count of nine
To beat the world’s champ,
I’ve never had my picture on
A six-cent postage stamp.

I’ve never scored a touchdown
On a ninety-yard run,
I’ve never winged six Daltons
With my dying brother’s gun . . .
Or kissed Miz Jane, and rode my hoss
Into the setting sun.
Sometimes I get so depressed
‘Bout what I haven’t done.

-    Shel Silverstein


Last night, while I lay thinking here,
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I’m dumb in school?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there’s poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don’t grow taller?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won’t bite?
Whatif the wind tears my kite?
Whatif they start a war?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don’t grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?
Everything seems swell, and then
The nighttime Whatifs strike again!
-    Shel Silverstein


This Bridge will only take you halfway there
To those mysterious lands you long to see:
Through gypsy camps and swirling Arab fairs
And moonlit woods where unicorns run free.
So come and walk awhile with me and share
The twisting trails and wondrous worlds I’ve known.
But this bridge will only take you halfway there - - -
The last few steps you’ll have to take alone.
-    Shel Silverstein

January 23-27 - PROJECT 1


Cover Page & Abstract: Autobiography
First, you need a good cover page.
In Microsoft Word, click on Insert, then choose a Cover Page.
PLEASE DELETE WHERE IT SAYS TO PUT AN ABSTRACT, that is step two on a different page.
It must include:
Picture (optional)
*****MUST get citation if you take from the web!

Here is an example of a cover page

Next, is the abstract. That is basically a big word for summary.
1)    Scroll down to a new page
2)   FONT = TIMES NEW ROMAN - 12 point
3)    The first line of the abstract page, center the word “Abstract” (not bold).
4)    Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced.
5)    Your abstract should be between 150 and 250 words (Check under word count)

It is a summary about your life!!!

*** Double space is under Paragraph, click the little arrow at the bottom...
*** If a picture will not let you move it freely, left click, wrap text, behind text!
*** If a word is misspelled, left click on it and see Word’s suggestions.
*** If it is underlined in green, it is not a complete sentence… so re-word it!
*** To get a photo from Google=  left click and copy; come back to your document,  left click and paste.

Here is an example of an abstract

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cite YOUR Sources

Cite the following sources using MLA. . .

Source 1: A news story (pick the day's top story) from USA Today's Web site. (Citation for a Web Document)
Source 2: A sports feature (pick the day's top sports story) from the Boston Globe. (Citation for a Newspaper)
Source 3: A web image (pick an image from any category) from The National Geographic. (Citation for a Web Image)

Citation Machine:

Welcome to 7th Grade Advanced Writing Class

Mrs. Yarbrough’s 7th Grade
Computer Applications and Information Technology Research Syllabus

The course has a dual purpose:
1)     To instill fundamental academic skills in the following areas
a.     Listening and following directions
b.    Organization
c.     Reading and writing
d.    Note-taking
e.     Preparing for and taking tests
f.     Research
g.    Summarizing

2)     To teach the computer skills needed in today’s world
a.     Computer terminology and history
b.    Technology-related issues
c.     Competent use of software and hardware
d.    Windows
e.     Word
f.     PowerPoint
g.    Excel
h.     Publisher
i.      Effective use of the Internet
Course DescriptionStudents learn to correctly format reports, tables and outlines. Students integrate Word Processing, PowerPoint and Excel to reinforce computer literacy activities and skills. Computer hardware and ethics are explored. This course uses the World Wide Web to enhance student learning.
Course Rationale
The purpose of Computer Applications is to continue developing keyboarding skills in a comprehensive manner while also increasing speed and accuracy. The goal of this course is to provide JH school students with an introduction to the principles of computer science, basic keyboarding skills, Internet safety and usage, electronic research, online database access and computer applications.
Using project-based instruction, students will build a knowledge base of computer applications and 21st century information technology skills. This course should also help students to use computers effectively in their lives, as they develop and apply effective research process skills to gather, analyze and evaluate information.
Communication between parents and teachers is essential to a child’s academic and behavioral success. Parents are strongly encouraged to review the agenda daily to monitor their student’s organization and study habits. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Classroom Procedures: In accordance with school policy, students will be expected to be seated and prepared to work when the bell rings.  Students should respect each other and remain silent when others are talking. Cheating, copying, or plagiarism will result in a zero for that assignment.

Attendance Policy:  Attendance is your responsibility. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing any missed assignment. For every day absent due to illness, one additional day is allowed to make up assignments.

Computer Lab / Classroom Expectations:
·         Use the restroom before or after class.
·         No food or drink in the library.
·         Bring all materials to class every day.
·         Treat the computers with respect. Do not change settings, play games, access another student’s email and/or files, or download any applications for personal use.
·         Students work cooperatively, recognize and respect differences, pay attention, meet deadlines, and strive to produce an excellent product
Discipline Policy:  Inappropriate behaviors (physical or verbal) will not be tolerated. They will result in detention, referrals, and or/contact with parents.

Plagiarism Policy:  Students are responsible for authenticating any assignment. Academic integrity/ ethics set high standards of honesty that all student writers are expected to uphold. The inability to verify your research information as your own or your failure to credit appropriate sources falls under the school handbook cheating policy.

Quizzes & Daily Work: 50%     
Projects:                      50%

I have read the class syllabus and agree to the follow this guide.
Student Name:_____________________________________________________________________
Parent Name:______________________________________________________________________