Comic Strip | 3-4 images
- Open a new file in Microsoft Word to begin your comic book project.
- Insert Header (Name, TAB, Period)
- To create the comic strip template you will use for your images and words; first, draw the squares individually. Use the "Insert" "Shapes" function to draw a box the size you want. Then copy and paste to reproduce the box to form a strip.
- Insert pictures into your comic strip by placing the cursor in the box where you want the image to appear, then selecting "Insert" and "Picture."
- Format images so that you can move them anywhere in the box by selecting "In-Front of Text" as the text-wrapping option after you have inserted them into the document.
- Insert callout boxes using the AutoShape feature to give speech or thought bubbles to the characters in your comic strip. Right-click on the callout to add or edit the text, and resize the callout to fit the amount of text by clicking and dragging a corner of the shape. Click and drag the yellow box on the tip of the callout pointer to match the speech or thought bubble with the appropriate character image.
- Save your comic and print or share the file.