Wednesday, February 22, 2012

UGLY Autobiography PowerPoint

Autobiography PowerPoint
PowerPoint is really a great tool to use as an accompaniment to your oral presentation. However, many people believe that PowerPoint is the presentation. Not so.
You are creating a power point about yourself; the uglier, the better.

I am looking for:
Too much text
Too many animations
Too many different transitions

Too busy or glitzy

Has to have:
Information about you on every page
10 Slides, including Title Page ( NO MORE, NO LESS)
The first slide is the Title page, and the last slide is your reference page.

Your writing needs to be correct.
The design of your PowerPoint is where it needs to get ugly.

You will present these to the class. Don’t put anything on there you don’t want to share.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Famous Person Power Point

Title Page:                   Name of person
Your name(s)

Picture:                        Picture of your famous person

Timeline:                     Dates for their birth, three or four important events in their life, and their death if needed (SMART ART)

Early Life:                   Childhood, include such things as where they grew up, stories about their
family, and their education

Adult Life:                  Adulthood, include important events in their lives

Accomplishments:       Importance, include why this person is famous

Reaction:                     Include how you feel about this person, and why you would or
would not like to be like this person

References:                 Pictures and information

Print in Slide View:
Slides = 4 slides horizontal

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Microsfot Word Test

Recreate this page in Microsoft Word.

You can use similar images; however, if you find the exact ones, you get extra credit.

It needs to look exactly like mine, or as close as possible!!!

Orientation = Landscape
3 images from Clipart
3 text boxes
All the font is Calibri : 24 Point

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ABC Book February 1 - 17

Must Include:
1)      Cover Page (Names, Title, and ONE picture)
2)      Each letter of the alphabet needs to represent something from your topic.
3)      There must be a picture on every page with the words “___ is for _____” ( A is for Austin)
4)      There also needs to be a 1 sentence description of whatever the letter stands for.
5)      Cite each picture and direct quote on a reference page. LOOK AT EXAMPLE FOR FORMAT! 

MAKE EVERY PAGE LANDSCAPE (Page Layout, Orientation, Landscape)

  • The Food Around the World Alphabet Book
    • anitpasto (Italy); curry (India); crumpets (England)
  • Animals
    • Aardvark; Baboon; Lion
  • States (Texas, Oklahoma; New York)
    • A is for Austin
    • B is for Bluebonnet
    • C is for cowboys
  • Jobs
    • Anthropologist; baker; chemist
  • Sports
    • Archery; Badminton; Cheerleading
  • Famous Quotations
    • Aesop: "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched."
    • P. T. Barnum: "There's a sucker born every minute."
    • Confucius: "Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors."
  • Countries
    • Australia; Egypt; Yemen
  • Famous People (Celebrities, World Leaders, Athletes, Poets etc.)
    • Albert Einstein; Mya Angelou; Abe Lincoln